Times Union, Price: $325.00, I have a litter of adorable DOXIE-POOS that are ready for their new homes. Thare are males and females. The puppies were born on 4-14-2016. The puppies have great soft fluffy hair and will be minimal to NON-SHEDDING. Some of the puppies are black and some are chocolate, they have white on their chests. The puppies have had their first set of shots and regular worming. If you are interested in a DOXIE-POO give us a call at 518-618-8079 or 607-397-8380
Times Union, Price: $325.00, I have a litter of adorable DOXIE-POOS that are ready for their new homes. Thare are males and females. The puppies were born on 4-14-2016. The puppies have great soft fluffy hair and will be minimal to NON-SHEDDING. Some of the puppies are black and some are chocolate, they have white on their chests. The puppies have had their first set of shots and regular worming. If you are interested in a DOXIE-POO give us a call at 518-618-8079 or 607-397-8380